What is the definition of a "summer read?" My understanding is that it is something akin to a literary snack. Something light, fun, enjoyable, and easy to read. Not something that demands a whole lot of attention or focus to be able to work through. Something to read at the beach, by the pool, outside a rustic cabin. A book that is the perfect companion to a vacation or even a short getaway. As summer starts to wind down, maybe you've had a chance to enjoy one or more of these narrative morsels.
The Bible can be viewed as the exact opposite of a summer read. It is deep, rich, profound, and life-changing because it is God's own voice to us. However, reading Scripture doesn't always have to be mental and spiritual "work;" it can certainly be a deeply enjoyable experience. Aside from being the most profound piece of literature ever written coming from God's own heart, written down over many centuries by many authors, it is also beautiful, poetic, sometimes funny, and often ironic. But its intent is always to give us real life with the God who made us, loves us, and walks with us still. It is meant to be read thoughtfully and inwardly digested, but it is also meant to be enjoyed.
Have you ever read the Bible all the way through? Some people will put themselves on a reading plan and feel the pressure to read it just to "check a box" so they can answer that question in the affirmative. And if you haven't taken the opportunity to read through this library of God's Word yourself, that question may involve the complex emotions of regret or guilt. God certainly desires us to hear His voice, both spoken and written. He wants to have THE say in our lives. Scripture is how He speaks to us. So reading the Bible from cover to cover should be the goal of every Christian at least once in a lifetime, but hearing from God through His Word is a practice that can and should be an everyday delight to the hearts of all people who know the God who wants the best for them.
A quote from the longest chapter in the Bible, coming from the longest book, reads like this: "Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path" (Psalm 119:105, CSB). I've read that passage hundreds of times in my life. I've sung it dozens of times. But the thing that God brought to my attention recently is one of the many facets of its meaning. All of Scripture does reveal the magnificent nature of God in all the universe, and the profound reality of His plan for us to save us and buy us back from the slavery of sin, death, and the power of the devil...this is most certainly true. But His Word, His tender speech to you and me, is also designed to guide us on our individual path and walk with Him. The light of a lamp doesn't shine very far. In fact, many times it can only illuminate the next few steps in front of you. God rarely reveals all of His plan for His people. But He is steadfast and faithful in His commitment to provide enough light for the next step in your walk with Him. This is the purpose and function of Scripture in our lives.
Over the next year or more, we will be taking a tour through the library of God's Word contained in the Bible, one book at a time. Some books can't possibly be distilled down into one message, so focusing in on a key event or insight will be our method. Other shorter books will require a little bit more nuance and context to even make sense of them for our lives in 21st-century America. There are many important ways God uses His Word to speak into our lives. We can hear the Word spoken verbatim in church. We can learn from a sermon or other exposition of the Word. We can sit with a group of other Christians and discuss what we're hearing, like we do in Bible studies. My prayer is that you would seize this opportunity to read the books of the Bible on your own time, or come to Bible study and get a deeper, richer appreciation for what God is saying than might be expressed in a brief message. My hope for you is that as we walk through the pages of Scripture together, you would always hear the tender voice of God calling you to walk with Him, shedding a little bit more light on your next step, and empowering you by His Spirit to walk in faith.Β
You may have noticed that I always sign off with one of my favorite quotes from the Pixar movie Up: "Adventure is out there!" It is equally true that adventure is IN there⦠in the pages of Scripture, ready to be discovered. It far outstrips the momentary lightness we might find in a so-called summer read, but rather contains a profound joy that comes from discovering the riches of God's narrative, in which we play a crucial role in our present time. So like Saint Augustine heard so many years ago, my admission to you is, "Pick it up. Read it." Adventure is IN there, in the pages of God's Story. And when you know the heart of God it'll be easier for you to see that...
Adventure is out there!
Pastor Aaron