Worship Service Days & Times:
Sundays at 9 am and Saturdays at 5 pm
Generally, our Sunday services are more traditional and use liturgy and hymns from the Lutheran Service Book. Our Saturday evening service is usually a blended service using a more contemporary liturgy and mix of modern hymns, most often led by our praise band. However, we sometimes have a traditional service on Saturday and a blended service on Sunday.
Parking: Our main parking lot is west of the building
Entry: Look for the double doors – this entry leads into our lobby area
Connection Card: As you enter the sanctuary, you will see a small table where you can pick up a Connection Card. It has space for making notes about the sermon along with the bible readings for the week, prayer request information, and other notes.
Where to sit: Please sit wherever you are comfortable!
During the service: You can follow along using the monitors at the front of the church. In the racks in the pews you will find a Lutheran Service Book and bibles.
Sermons: If you would like to watch one of Pastor Aaron's past sermons, please visit our Sermons page.
After the service: As people leave, they are greeted by Pastor Aaron. Please stay and visit with others in the lobby area – on Sundays coffee and cookies are available!
What to wear: Please dress as you please -- you will find a range from casual to dressy here.
What about kids? Children are always welcome in worship at Immanuel. If you feel you need to leave the service with a child, you can go into the lobby area and still hear and see the service. Baby changing stations are located in both restrooms.
Holy Communion is celebrated the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays of the month (and preceding Saturdays).
Can I take communion? Those who come forward for communion are expected to hold the same confession as this congregation and the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. (More information regarding how to prepare yourself for Communion.) Children who come forward with their parents and have not yet celebrated their First Communion will receive a blessing from the pastor.
Outdoor Worship: During the summer we periodically hold Sunday services in our outdoor worship area located in the wooded area behind the church. Check the website home page for the most current schedule.
We welcome you to join us via live stream!
View both Saturdays & Sundays (unless outdoors) via:
- YouTube Channel
- Facebook Page
- Website: Connect / Live Stream